John Higson, MFTA

Lic. No. MG 61269730






As a person with a great variety of life experiences and resolved difficulties, let us talk and get to the bottom of yours.  There is a solution. 


It seems most who seek psychological assistance have problems with relationships in general or suffer from ‘anxieties’ and ‘depressions’ and all manner of trouble that these produce in daily life.   These difficulties are connected to conflicting emotions that we harbor, whether consciously or most often, not, with the important people in our lives.  We are thus held down and tend to arrange our lives such that past pain is repeated unintentionally or may alienate people that we hold dear.  Our problems arise from within ourselves; we are therefore in a position to solve them… with help.


Treatment properly arranged shall make these destructive forces known and distanced through integration of our conscious and again, mostly unconscious selves.   Upon improved self-knowledge and awareness can one cast off the burdens of the past and become the genuine and confident person best suited to navigate a complex world.


The known diagnoses seem finally to flow together amongst the boundaries that have been constructed.  It seems the predominant dimension upon which difficulties may lie that is also truly the essence of the current neurodivergence appellation: sensitivity.  This can be a blessing in many applications but also a challenge as respects societal complexity.  The world is very complex.


Psychotherapy is an artform; there is little science about it.  People are not scientific and it is very nice that it is so. 


I look forward to an initial communication.   


Although I find the usual names of distress inadequate, I offer treatment for those that are typically used as follows:


Anxiety disorders

Relationship disorders



Eating disorders

Neurotic disorders

Personality disorders

Psychosomatic disorders

Sexual disorders


Obsessive-compulsive disorders


Psychotherapeutic methods:


One-to-one therapy (Conversation) with Explorative and/or Supportive broadly defined as Psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy with particular attention to our relationships with family, friends and the world in general.







Additional services:


Case Management Services


Methods of treatment


I prefer to treat patients/clients with the method of conversational psychotherapy in a 1:1 setting and here - if reasonable, desired and indicated – within the general parameters noted above.  Of course, depending on your situation, other forms of conversational psychotherapy are available.